Friday 6th August 2010
Summer Practice Sessions
Derek has asked me to remind you all that the club's summer practice sessions are running on Thursday evenings. I believe attendances have been a little down on last year quite possibly due to hot weather, world cup football and David Kell's Monday training group, however I am sure that he would like to see you there on Thursday's if you can possibly make it.
Any questions please give Derek a ring on 07710 272364.
Website Relaunch
Warren Springs website has been relaunched by graphics studio Lovely Alan. Updates include complete redesign with a much simpler navigation, easier to use and fresh look.
Wednesday 4th August 2010
ETTA Membership Forms
If you haven't already received your form from Roger Bowler, Club secretary please contact Roger for one, these must be filled out and returned to Roger before the new season starts.
Monday 16th January 2010
North Herts Table Tennis Association Presentation Evening 2010
North Herts Table Tennis Association Presentation Evening 2010 Takes place on Friday 11th June, 7:30pm-12am
Club Fees:-
The adult fees have increased by £5.00 per annum largely because of the new ETTA Membership Fee that has to be paid for the first time this season.
Therefore subscriptions this year are;
Adults: £85.00
Juniors unchanged at £40.00
This covers all fees for playing competition matches, league and cup.
It is now your responsibility (rather than the Table Tennis Club, as in the past) to be an appropriately paid up member of the ETTA before you can play competition matches.
Any coaching is paid in addition, please see the Coaching page for details.
Summer practice nights currently cost £3 each per attendance.