2019 is the club’s Diamond Anniversary. To mark this occasion, we are holding an Elite Invitation Tournament on Sunday 10th November for both men and women from around the country, so far we have 23 for both men and women who have expressed an interest. With stars like Ethan Walsh (England No 3 junior), Sam Wilson (England No 33) and Adam Jepson (England No 37) the day should offer some very good caliber table tennis to view, so well worth coming along. In the lady’s competition Mollie Patterson (England No 6) , Moldovian international Elena Todirca and the best female Polish player in the country Daria Dzierbicka have all expressed an interest to play.
This tournament will be held at the St Neots Table Tennis Centre, doors open at 8:30 and play starts at 9:00, it should be an exiting day of table tennis.
We had been planning to also hold a tournament on Saturday 9th November for five of the local leagues (North Herts TTA, Cambridge and District TTA, Luton and District TTA, Bedford and District TTA and St Albans, Hatfield and Welwyn TTA) unfortunately due to a very low number of entries we have had to cancel this event
To celebrate this anniversary we are giving every one of our club members a water bottle with a 60th anniversary logo as a memento.
Also every player who wins when playing a Warren Spring team will be given a raffle ticket and we will draw the tickets against prizes at the end of the season.